Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Eye Aging and Eye Disease in Sugar Land, Greatwood and Richmond area

It's actual that we are all getting more seasoned. Time walks on and consistently brings another birthday. While we appreciate life, we likewise see that every year has a tendency to bring new a throbbing painfulness. As the body ages, so do the eyes, and it's critical to understand that the maturing eye changes vision. How might you differentiate between maturing of the eye and eye malady? It's critical to know the distinction with the goal that you can look for treatment rapidly. 

The maturing of the eye happens bit by bit over numerous decades. You may see that you require glasses to peruse, or you are more delicate to approaching headlights when driving during the evening. Glare may diminish your capacity to peruse and you may think that its hard to see when going into a dim room from the daylight outside. These are the ordinary manifestations of maturing of the eye, called presbyopia. 

As you age you may likewise encounter "dry eye", a condition that happens when the tear conduits quit creating the measure of tears important to keep the eyes sodden. Working at a PC screen for drawn out stretches of time and wearing contact focal points can exacerbate dry eye. Eye drops will help your eyes to rest easy. 

Eye sicknesses cause distinctive manifestations. Waterfalls, glaucoma and age-related degeneration all disable the vision. These ailments grow gradually after some time however you may see vision misfortune abruptly. A considerable lot of these sicknesses have no indications in the early stages. 

Glaucoma: This infection continuously lessens your fringe vision. It has no early indications and in this way is known as the "Quiet Thief of Sight". Glaucoma is a standout amongst the most widely recognized unending eye infections for seniors and is the main source of visual deficiency for those beyond 64 years old. A large portion of the general population with glaucoma don't know they have it. 

Waterfalls: Cataracts cause overcast vision as the focal point of the eye starts to solidify. Waterfall surgery evacuates the old focal point and embeds a manufactured loans to reestablish vision. 

Age-related Macular Degeneration: This infection causes loss of focus vision that is required to see things that are straight ahead. There are no indications in the early phase of the sickness. Be that as it may, in the halfway and late phases of the sickness there is vision misfortune. 

Diabetic retinopathy: Diabetics may start to experience vision weakness because of this ailment. It is a consequence of diabetes and is caused when veins in the retina change. 

A considerable lot of these illnesses, similar to age-related macular degeneration, cause irreversible harm and vision misfortune. That is the place low vision experts come in. Authorities in low vision lead a thorough, specific exam to figure out what level of vision remains. At that point they utilize creative restorative gadgets to upgrade practical vision. It enables individuals with low vision to live typical every day lives.

Many of our low vision patients have been told that nothing more can be done to enhance their vision. We disagree. If you have been told that nothing more can be done to enhance your low vision, see us. We specialize in improving functional vision for patients who have been told exactly that. Our advanced medical devices help those suffering with age-related vision loss to read, drive and enjoy hobbies once again. Call us to schedule a consultation. We believe in life after vision loss and we can help you.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The Function Of The Cornea in Sugar Land, Greatwood & Richmond Area

A standout amongst the most essential and entrancing organs in the human body is the eyes. Here are some intriguing truths about the eyes: Each 50% of your retina gets half of a picture and your mind then procedures it and structures it into the photo you are accustomed to seeing. By and large you squint 15-20 times each moment. Your eye always makes minor jerky developments called miniaturized scale saccades to shield objects from leaving center. One of the parts of our eyes serves an extremely valuable and advantageous capacity. it assumes a fundamental part in the way we can see objects. This piece of the eye is known as the cornea. Along these lines, here is a fascinating depiction of the capacity of the cornea in eye life structures: 

What is the cornea? The cornea is depicted as the reasonable and straightforward film of the eye that covers the front surface of our eyes. This piece of the eye is likewise very solid and flexible. The tear creation and tear liquid from the eyes gives the cornea insurance from bacterial diseases, germs and infections. 

The Cornea serves an imperative capacity as far as the transmission of light into the eyes. This piece of the eye is regularly portrayed as the focal point of a camera. In this manner, the cornea can be portrayed as the eye's most external focal point in the human eye. Starting here of view, its part is to let light reflecting from different articles into the eyes. It takes this light and like a window, it gives it access and centers this light. It is assessed that the cornea has around 65-75% of the eye's centering power. When light is reflected from different items it falls on the cornea and it twists the light that is being gotten onto the focal point. This light is then refocused and it is then transmitted to the retina. The retina is known as the light delicate area at the back of the eyes that comprises of poles and cones. With the goal for us to see obviously light beams entering the eyes ought to be engaged by the focal point and the cornea so that is falls straightforwardly on the retina. These light beams are then sent to the optic nerve that is associated with the cerebrum through driving forces. The mind then procedures this visual data and gives an understanding of the picture that we can see as our vision. As far as the similarity of a camera the cornea in the eyes speaks to the camera focal point and the retina speaks to the film of the camera. 

The cornea additionally assumes a part as a characteristic channel because of the way that it sift through a portion of the destructive U.V beams and blue beams of the sun. Thusly, the part of the cornea is defensive. This piece of the eyes capacities like the focal point of a camera. This is because of the way that it assumes a vital part in centering approaching light into the eyes and centers this light onto the retina. This picture is then changed over and transmitted through electrical motivations to the optic nerve where the cerebrum translates this picture as the vision that we see.

Evolutionary Eye Care is dedicated to providing the most advanced medical eye care, tailored for you and your family. We have invested in the most advanced medical equipment to provide our patients with the best eye care possible.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Blind and Low Vision in Sugar Land, Greatwood & Richmond Area

Blind and Low Vision in Sugar Land, Greatwood & Richmond Area

Blindness rehabilitation is specialized training designed to teach a person who is blind or visually impaired adapted techniques to live and work in a sighted world. Whether a person is looking to return to work, maintain current employment, or attempting to maintain independence, learning these adapted techniques are essential.
Rehabilitation Counseling - A Rehabilitation Counselor for the Blind can assist a person with uncorrectable vision loss in many ways. Many of our clients tell us that their eye doctor one day informed them that their vision loss was permanent and there was nothing else they could do. While this may have been true from a medical point of view, there is much that can be done with the proper counseling and rehabilitation. A Rehabilitation Counselor for the Blind can help the individual to identify the resources available. They can also perform a comprehensive needs assessment to identify all barriers and together, they can develop a plan to overcome the obstacles one by one. While individual needs are different, some of the common components of a successful rehabilitation plan include the following:
Low Vision Evaluation – This is a specific type of eye examination performed by an optometrist who is specifically credentialed to perform low vision evaluations. They often work in conjunction with a Low Vision Therapist who takes the findings of the Low Vision Optometrist and assists the individual to identify and train on the right devices and learn proper viewing techniques to maximize remaining vision. Many people find that they can read materials again in a modified way.
Braille Instruction – Braille is a series of 6 raised dots that enables a person who is blind or with very low vision to read again with the use of their fingertips. Braille is just as relevant today as it was when it was invented by Louis Braille many years ago. Electronic devices are very handy, but they do not replace the functionality of Braille.
Vision Rehabilitation Therapy – When a person loses vision, simple everyday tasks can become very difficult to perform. These activities like shaving, applying make-up, making a phone call, using a stove safely, measuring ingredients for a favorite recipe, pouring a hot cup of coffee, using a washer and dryer and hundreds of other everyday tasks are challenging to accomplish without vision. However, with the proper training from a Vision Rehabilitation Therapist, these and most others are all able attainable
Orientation and Mobility Instruction – Learning to travel safely in your environment is also a key component to independence and employment. When a person loses their sight, it is critically important that they learn how to safely navigate their environment and stay oriented to their surroundings. With the training of an Orientation and Mobility Specialist, people who are blind or living with low vision can learn how to safely walk their neighborhood, cross streets, navigate a college campus, use the transit systems and so much more.
Assistive Work Technology Evaluation – An Assistive Work Technology evaluation is the key to opening the world of technological possibilities for people with vision loss. While technology does not remove all barriers, when combined with the skills training mentioned previously, technology can be instrumental in assisting someone to become fully independent and a productive member of society.
Technology Access Training – Technology can be very instrumental to overcoming many of the barriers encountered by a person with vision loss. Today’s technology allows a blind person to read books, use a computer, identify colors, identify denominations of money, scan bar codes to obtain product information, pay bills, and so much more. With the proper and training, vision loss can be accommodated to overcome most barriers.

Eye Allergy Season at Evolutionary Eye Care in Sugar Land, Greatwood & Richmond Area

Eye Allergy Season at Evolutionary Eye Care in Sugar Land, Greatwood & Richmond Area

Ah, the wonders of spring. Flowers are blooming, grass is growing, and seasonal allergies are wreaking havoc on all of my patients. Here are some suggestions as to what you can do to minimize the effects of these seasonal allergies:

Take an "over the counter" anti-histamine. These come in "drowsy" and "non-drowsy" versions. The "drowsy" products are the strongest and most effective, but they can make you feel like it's nap time. 

Prepare for your outing (golf, hike, etc.) in advance by pre-medicating either with a systemic anti-histamine product and/or an anti-histamine eye drop to control your allergy symptoms. 

Take a look at your environment and attempt to set it up to minimize the effects of seasonal allergies: Set up your sleeping area with an air purifier, close the windows at night (cool air will enter the house through open windows and bring pollen, etc. along with it), try to make all the products you use as hypo-allergenic as possible. 

Don't overlook "home remedies" such as cool compresses over the eyes, chamomile tea bags (cool of course) and cucumber slices over the eyes.

Finally, if you are unable to get sufficient help from the above suggestions, visit your health care professional or your Evolutionary Eye Care specialist for a thorough work up.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Your Eye Exam at Evolutionary Eye Care in Sugar Land, Greatwood & Richmond Area

Your Eye Exam at Evolutionary Eye Care in Sugar Land, Greatwood & Richmond Area

Over the years I have noticed that patients can often struggle with the eye examination process. The actual part that patients struggle with is officially known as "the refraction". It is in this part of the exam sequence that the eye doctor is able to determine the best possible prescription for the patient. What makes this part of the exam sequence difficult for the patient is the subjective nature of the process. The patient is asked to make a choice between two offerings. The two offerings may both look a little blurred to the patient, making it a difficult choice. So, what is a patient to do? Here are some suggestions to make it easier for a patient to sit through the exam process and come out with a more exact prescription.

Chose the lens offering that represents the "lesser of two evils". What I mean by this is that the image presented to the patient is often artificially blurred by the placement of an additional lens in front of the eye. This additional lens does blur the image to a certain degree. While neither choice may be perfect, if the patient chooses the lesser of two evils the patient will be consistent and the doctor will be able to arrive at an exact prescription.

Some choices are very clear and easy to make and others will be more difficult. Just go with the flow. When the difficult choices are presented, understand that the doctor will retest you from different directions to make sure you are consistent in your choices. 
The end point, believe it or not, is when the patient cannot tell a difference between the choices presented. This can be confusing for the patient, but a perfect answer is, "I can't tell the difference....or they are "the same". In this case, the doctor will choose the least powerful choice for the prescription. All attempts are made to make sure that the prescription is not too strong. 
Some patients do better with the process if an eye drop is placed into the eye to help control the patient's focusing. Your doctor will make a decision as to whether this is necessary during the exam process. 
What about when you pick up your new prescription? How long should it take for a patient to adjust to a new prescription? This is a variable issue. Some patients will adjust to a new prescription immediately. Others may need anywhere between a few days to a few weeks to adjust. Be sure to communicate with your doctor if you are having trouble adjusting to your prescription. The laboratories that make the prescriptions will allow for the doctor to adjust the prescription if a patient is having difficulty. Some patients do better with a prescription that is not full strength. Others prefer a full strength prescription. Your doctor wants you to have the clearest and most comfortable prescription possible. Be aware that there is a time limit if the prescription has to be remade. I had a patient that came to me a year later and said that they did not like the prescription that had been written. Unfortunately, this is way past the warranty period. Please let the doctor know in a timely fashion if you are having difficulty and the problem will be solved.

If you have any additional questions regarding the above material please feel free to communicate with us

We are conveniently located in Greatwood,TX and we provide our services to our patients all over Sugar Land and Richmond area.
To get an appointment simply call (281) 545-4901 or drop by our location at 19875 Southwest Freeway Suite 180 Sugarland, TX 77479.

Source: Eye Exam at Evolutionary Eye Care

Friday, December 16, 2016

What is Astigmatism All About at Evolutionary Eye Care in Sugar Land, Greatwood & Richmond Area

What is Astigmatism All About at Evolutionary Eye Care in Sugar Land, Greatwood & Richmond AreaFor some time now, when you look at the television it’s sort of fuzzy and blurry but you’re not sure why. Sometimes, your eyes might feel a little tired or strained. You’ve noticed you have a slight headache by the end of the day. After debating the idea, you finally make an appointment to see your eye doctor. He says you need glasses or contacts to correct the astigmatism you have in your eye. Glasses, ok. Contacts, that’s fine. But wait - what is astigmatism all about?

Let’s start here. Go to a mirror and take a look at your eyes. There are parts you can see, and parts you cannot. This is important to note, since astigmatism affects both the visible and unseen parts of your eye. The following is a simple explanation of the parts of your eyes and what these parts do:

Parts of the eye you can see:

  • Cornea - This is the "window" to your eyes. The front, clear part of your eye.
  • Sclera - Is simply the white part of your eyes.
  • Iris - Is the colored part of your eyes. You may have blue, green, brown, or something in between as the color of your eyes.
  • Pupil - Is the center, small black part of your eyes.
  • Conjunctiva - Is a thin layer of tissue covering the front of your eyes, except for the cornea. Ever had "pink eye"? The conjunctiva is the part that gets the infection.

The parts of the eye you don't see:

  • Lens - It is inside your eye, behind the pupil.
  • Retina - It changes light to the electrical impulses.
  • Optic Nerve - It carries the impulses to your brain. For example, when you look at a dog, your brain lets you know you are looking at a dog.

Now that you know the anatomy of the eye, we can dive into defining astigmatism. Astigmatism is when your cornea (the window), or the lens (inside the eye) is not perfectly round and smooth like it should be. Think of it like looking at a funhouse mirror where parts of you are stretched out and parts of you are squishy. As a result, your vision for both near and far items could appear unclear. 
Astigmatism is quite common and is NOT any kind of eye disease. Some people are born with astigmatism; others develop it with age. Astigmatism does not change the shape of your eye to look like a football. It is still round; it's just the cornea is more curved in some areas and flatter in other areas. That is why your vision is blurry and your eyes might hurt.

Patients are able to have clear vision during the day, without surgery! So whether you need new glasses or contacts, or need more focused medical care, Evolutionary Eye care is here for you.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Dry Eye Clinic at Evolutionary Eye Care in Sugar Land, Greatwood & Richmond Area

Dry Eye Clinic at Evolutionary Eye Care in Sugar Land, Greatwood & Richmond Area

We are very excited about our new Dry Eye Clinic at Evolutionary Eye Care.  We are able to help patients with all of their dry eye issues. 

Dry eyes can be a very complicated subject.  The reason is that there are different causes of dry eyes.  Dry eyes can be caused by certain medications, computer and cell phone usage, certain eyelid conditions such as blepharitis and many other causes. 

There are two main types of dry eyes.  One is due to a patient's eyes not making enough tears.  This is called tear insufficiency dry eyes.  The other cause of dry eyes is called evaporative dry eyes. 

In tear insufficiency dry eyes we just do not make enough tears to keep our eyes lubricated.  There are many underlying conditions that can contribute to this problem.  There are different ways to help this problem that can be as simple as using tear supplements to more complicated approaches that involve using a medication to  help our eyes create more tears.

In evaporative dry eyes our eyes don't make enough of the oil that our eyes normally make and this lack of oil, which functions sort of like an oil slick on water, allows our tears to evaporate too quickly.  It is possible to treat the oil glands that are meant to produce this oil to get them to properly secrete the oil that our eyes need.

It is also very important to create a healthy ocular surface when treating dry eyes.  This can be helped by properly cleaning the eyelashes and lids and sometime by the short time usage of certain treatment medications that can help bring the ocular surface back into a healthy state. 

If any readers feel that they may be helped by seeking treatment for dry eyes, please contact Evolutionary Eye Care and our Dry Eye Clinic of Sugar Land, Greatwood & Richmond Area to schedule a consultation. 
